Tag Archives: read aloud with accountable talk

Bundling Texts for Beginning of the Year


I am not sure what happened. Summer is supposed be filled with long days and evening skies littered with the flickering glow of lightening bugs accompanied by the string quartettes of surrounding crickets. I was supposed to find time to sit on the porch swing and be bored. I haven’t had one of those days yet and summer has already began to pack her bags and back out of my driveway! School supplies has been back out on the shelves for weeks and teachers are already back in the throws of planning out their curriculum. So I will blow a last kiss out to summer, wave good-bye from the porch as I call out to her, “Have a have a safe trip and I will see you next year.” The requests from teachers are flooding in for good books to plan for Read Aloud with Accountable Talk. So, I decided today that there is no time like the present. Here we go People!!  Bottoms up!

Let’s consider K-2… Remember to choose books that have the cares of 5-7 year olds in mind. Common issues that are great for read aloud include:

  • friendship trouble
  • moral choices (lying, stealing)
  • family issues…fitting in with your family, new sibling, bossiness, sibling rivalry, etc.
  • fears…new school, sleeping away from home, going to school, getting glasses, going to the dentist, riding the big roller coaster, etc.
  • believing in yourself
  • being true to yourself

See the attached PDF for great beginning and first semester books for K-1 readers.  I will be back soon to tell you about 2nd and up…Book List K-1 Table